
Square and Wish #24

The Jacket that Wasn't

I learned how to sew in junior high school. In "Home Ec", we learned how to sew (an apron decorated with rick rack) and also to cook. I didn't make much use of either skill while I was in school. It was too "old fashioned".

However, when I was in my 20's, I decided I wanted to learn all of those handicraft skills like sewing, needlepoint, crocheting, knitting and making rugs. I got to be pretty decent at them all. In sewing, I got to the skill level to make jackets. I decided I was going to make a velvet jacket. I picked out the material; and it has sat in the Jo Ann Fabrics bag for at least 35 years.

So, I'm giving you two (2) squares of that velvet that should have been a jacket; but didn't quite make it.

I hope you have better stick-to-it-ivness than I did.

Pat Matsui Proulx

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